Applications are now closed. Sign up to our newsletter for more opportunities.
Join WISA and attend Seafood Directions in Hobart!
In 2024 WISA is thrilled to offer the successful bursary program once again, providing women with the opportunity to attend Seafood Directions in Hobart September 9th to 13th. Learn more about Seafood Directions here.
Our bursary program with the support of national sponsors will provide a supportive, distinctive and informative experience to a number of women from each state/territory. These bursaries are tailored for women who are passionate about their work in the Australian seafood industry and seek to enhance their networks, connections, skills, and industry knowledge.
The experience for bursary holders will be a three-day immersive and supported experience. Each bursary holder will be supported by WISA throughout the conference. There will be opportunities to network with other bursary holders, WISA members, as well as the wider industry.
For assistance in completing the bursary application you can watch our video guide here! (Youtube)
Eligibility criteria:
- Women must work in or with the seafood industry,
- Commercial fishing
- Aquaculture
- Indigenous/traditional fishing/aquaculture
- Postharvest sectors
- Research, technical, development
- Applicants from Australia, applicants must also be a WISA member. You can become a member here.
- Applicant must not have received a WISA Conference bursary in the past.
Selection criteria:
- Priority will be given to women without other means to attend.
- Priority will be given to women from rural, remote and regional and multicultural communities; and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
- Applicants will be ranked based on responses to application questions
Bursary details:
WISA Bursaries include:
- Online pre-conference catch up to connect with WISA and other bursary holders
- Opportunity to meet with sponsor
- We will organise all your travel and accommodation and conference registration
During the conference
- Reasonable* travel expenses to and from Hobart, arriving from Septembers 9th, departing September 13th, 2024.
- Registration for Seafood Directions Conference and all conference events (listed below).
- Accommodation in Hobart (Old Woolstore Apartment Hotel) as per travel dates.
- Support with childcare (to be discussed with each individual)
- Bursary dinner pre-conference with WISA
- Ticket to WISA Power Up Breakfast
- Ticket to WISA/Affectus Networking event
- Conference wrap up breakfast
- WISA Seafood Directions T-shirt.
If you hold a bursary, WISA have some expectations and conditions:
- Once you have agreed to a bursary there is an expectation you will participate in all planned events for bursary holders
- You will grant WISA permission for use of imagery, video and sharing your story on WISA social media and other communications
- You will write and/or present a short report about your experience within 1 month of attending the conference for WISA and your sponsor
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Kate finance@womeninseafood.org.au
Applications are now closed.

Thank you to our partners!