Who are Seafood Women?
There is both a lack of knowledge about women’s contribution to the seafood industry and the significant barriers to women’s participation and progression in the Australian seafood industry.
As a result, WISA sought to answer three key questions through a FRDC-funded research project 2018-174 in 2021-22:
- What is the contribution of women in the Australian seafood industry?
- What is the level of participation of women in the Australian seafood industry?
- What are women’s roles in the Australian seafood industry? - Who are the women in the Australian seafood industry?
- What needs to change for women to have a career and succeed in the Australian Seafood Industry?
This research is fundamental and identifies future research and development needs on issues of gender in the Australian seafood industry. While the insights gained from this research alone is unlikely to change the position of women, instead it lays the foundations to support further research and advocacy for a gender equal Australian seafood industry.
The final report for this research is now available for download here : 2018-174-dld-researchcomponent.pdf
To watch a webinar highlighting our initial findings, follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaPDBV0_kGA&t=8s